In Need of a Tune Up? 

Just like your car, winter can be a good time for a tune up. 

Throughout the months, we go to work and put the same daily stress on our body. We eat foods that strain our digestive system, and consequently, our immune systems. I am guilty of this as well. Like your vehicle, it is a good idea to change the oil, do maintenance, and get everything back in functioning order. Here are my top five reasons why a 'tune-up' is a good idea: 

  1. During the change of seasons, it is especially easy to become more vulnerable to colds and the flu. Our body sometimes has a hard time adjusting to temperature fluctuations and drastic changes in atmospheric conditions. The wind and cold cause the muscles in the neck to stiffen up, headaches, and sore throats become more common. Acupuncture is a preventative medicine that strengthens the immune system, relaxes stiff muscles and helps alleviate pain so its’s easier to navigate these changes without becoming sick! 

  2. In the winter, the body's energy goes deeper into the body, and is somewhat dormant, like a tree that drops its leaves.  The spring is a time when the energy surges back to the surface, and is more readily accessible for an acupuncture treatment. During this time of year, people sometimes feel anxious and manic and acupuncture is excellent at calming the mind and redirecting that energy to promote healing.  

    Did you know that your DNA changes expression with the seasons? Blood analysis shows that approximately 5, 000 genes change their expression as the seasons change.  

  3. During the cold blustery months of winter, your blood contains a deeper blend of immune responders there are trillions of T-cells created to fight off colds and flus that are common during this time of year. Certain acupuncture points can be used also to boost or balance the immune function, and to help guide your body through this time of year. 

  4. During the hot summer months, the cardiovascular systems blood contains increased water-retaining hormones, factors for body building and fat-burning. This is just what’s needed for the active warm months of the year when we are active in sports like jogging, aerobics or outdoor chores like lawn and field maintenance. Some acupuncture points improve blood circulation and soften the muscles to help prevent muscle tearing during workouts, to help keep you strong and ready you to continue your activities.  

I hope this inspires you to 'tune-up' as the change of seasons happens or after a long hard month of necessary work. 


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